This is part 1 of 4 in our Wizardly Wisdom series.
The number one thing beloved by wizards everywhere: the spellbook.
It’s the collection of their thoughts, their experiments, and the secret keys to the universe that they’ve been able to find along the way.
Wizards often get a rep for being studious scholars, locked away with their books learning all that they can. Yet, all of that learning has to go somewhere: the spellbook.
At Coaches & Dragons, we see the spellbook as the wizard’s tool not just for documenting their learning, but as a vehicle for a personal reflection process. The spellbook is a place where wizards can write down what they know to be true AND the questions that have yet to be answered. In the real world, journals and similar tools fulfill a similar role in our lives.
If you have never kept a journal or even considered it, the prospect of writing your own personal thoughts, reflections, and ideas seems daunting. After all, who is it for anyway? If they are your ideas and feelings, why do they need to be written down?
Your thoughts matter.
If your thoughts aren’t written down, you miss out on seeing patterns in the long run. And, there’s no way your “journal” has to be or what type of practice you need to have. Here’s everything you need to build a personal reflection practice (or at least start one):
Plan 10 minutes of your day for reflection.
Find one place to keep your thoughts. This might be a journal, a sketchpad, an app, or jar to fill with notes or post-its.
Set an intention for your practice. What do you want to learn about yourself or your experiences?
Choose one question you’d like to answer every day. Some of our favorites are:
What are five things you are grateful for today?
What are you feeling right now?
What are you going to do today?
What am I curious about today?
If you’ve never had a reflection practice before, we recommend starting with gratitude. Just identifying one thing you are grateful for every day (and writing it down) can create a powerful change in your life. What happens is once we set an intention and practice, we start to see the answers around us. When we set aside time to acknowledge the things we are grateful for, for example, we start to see more things to be grateful for around us.
Better yet, writing it down over time not only gives you a record of your thoughts, but also the opportunity to see how you have grown over time. And when you’re ready for a change, you can switch up the practice easily with new questions suited to your personal needs and interests.
Remember, if you’re just starting out, keep it simple. A line of day is all you need to get started. Every wizard starts at Level 1.
Don’t worry though, your future fireball awaits.
Write to you later!
Autumn & Jerod